Selective Functional Movement Assessment
Contact Active Chiropractic at 804.378.6035 at arrange for a selective functional movement assessment.
Once Clinical Predictive Rules and diagnosis-specific techniques are exhausted, applying the Selective Functional Movement Assessment model will allow for individualized exercise prescription and progression, which encompasses the concept of regional interdependence. As musculoskeletal system experts, it is essential that healthcare providers understand the relationships between body segments and how impairments in one body region may adversely affect the function of another body region. Approaching therapeutic exercise prescription from a movement perspective model allows the concepts of muscle imbalance and regional interdependence to be addressed in a logical, methodical manner. Modeled after Cyriax’s selective tissue testing, each test of the SFMA is scored as functional/non-painful, dysfunctional/non-painful,functional/painful, or dysfunctional/painful. The goal for the clinician is to identify the most dysfunctional non-painful movement pattern and break the pattern down to identify the underlying cause of the dysfunction. This includes using traditional muscle length and joint assessment tests which lead to corrective manual therapy and exercise interventions. Emphasis is placed on identifying the most dysfunctional patterns. The model calls for the intervention to be directed only at the non-painful patterns. This ensures that the adverse effects of pain on motor control will not hinder corrective strategies.