Active Recovery + Performance

Active Release Technique

Soft Tissue Injury Care & Treatment

Active Release Techniques (A.R.T.) is the leading provider of non-invasive treatment for soft-tissue and nerve issues, such as strains, sprains, and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Our hands-on, movement-based approach swiftly alleviates pain and restores function, ensuring fuller, faster recovery compared to traditional therapy methods.

quick success

95% of our patients feel significantly better in 4 visits using ART. Combined with corrective exercises, you can be moving and feeling better than you have in years.


Traditional treatments like medications, rest, and physical therapy may offer temporary relief but often lead to managing issues. At Active Recovery + Performance, we include ART, joint manipulation, and stretching and strengthening exercises for full recovery and resolution once and for all. Stop managing problems and start solving them!

For more than 30 years

Active Release Techniques (ART®) have been successfully used in treating soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue injuries are very common in accidents and sports injuries and include injuries to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and fascia. When soft tissue injuries are left untreated scar tissue adhesions can accumulate. Injuries to your soft tissue, in addition to being painful, can cause a loss of stability in the damaged area, loss of flexibility and movement, and negatively affect your balance. Active Release Techniques are very effective in locating the scar tissue adhesions, breaking them up, and restoring normal flexibility and movement to the injured area.

Active Release Techniques uses different methods to successfully treat

Soft tissue injuries


Back pain

Neck pain

Shoulder pain

Sprains and strains

Pinched nerves

Ligament injuries


Plantar fasciitis


Muscle pain

Thoracic outlet syndrome


Herniated disc pain

Numbness & tingling

Call Active Chiropractic for an appointment

One of the great things about Active Release Techniques is how quickly it can restore normal range and function to soft tissue injuries. This is why many professional sports teams and elite athletes have ART practitioners on staff. Call Active Chiropractic for an appointment at 804.378.6035, or use our convenient appointment form below.